₹2000 PPF Interest Calculation for 15 Years [VIDEO]
₹2000 PPF Interest Calculation.. You get Rs. 6,31,135 as maturity amount on Rs. 2000 monthly deposits in PPF account after 15 years at 7.1% interest rate
₹2000 PPF Interest Calculation.. You get Rs. 6,31,135 as maturity amount on Rs. 2000 monthly deposits in PPF account after 15 years at 7.1% interest rate
Savings Account Interest Calculation – Interest in Savings Account is calculated on daily basis on Lowest balance of the day using Simple Interest..
Latest Post Office Interest Rates: Savings Deposit = 4%, Fixed Deposits = 5.5%, Recurring Deposits = 5.8%, National Saving Certificate (NSC) = 6.8%, Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (MIS) = 6.6%..
How to Save Income Tax in India? You don’t have to pay tax if your taxable income is below Rs. 5 Lacs in a Financial Year with old tax regime
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Calculator helps us to calculate SSY returns in excel. Let’s say you deposit Rs. 5000 in the month of April. Based on annual interest rate of 7.6%, monthly interest will be 0.63%..
EPF Interest Calculator in Excel helps us in calculating EPF interest on monthly basis. Example, 12% of Rs. 15,000 would accrue Rs. 1800 by month-end..