Section 80EEA – Income Tax Deduction on Home Loan Interest
Section 80EEA of income tax act helps in saving income tax with old tax regime on home loan interest amount paid in a financial year..
Section 80EEA of income tax act helps in saving income tax with old tax regime on home loan interest amount paid in a financial year..
Section 80EE of Income Tax Act allows Income Tax deduction on Home Loan Interest Amount with limit of Rs. 50,000 in financial year..
Section 80E of Income Tax Act allows us to claim Interest amount of Education Loan that is taken for higher studies for loan up to 8 years..
Section 80GG of Income Tax Act allows us to claim house rent amount paid in a financial year if you don’t receive HRA in salary payslip..
Section 80CCC of Income Tax Act allows us to claim deduction for insurance premiums paid, if the policy provides us the pension plan
Section 24 of Income Tax Act allows us to claim Home Loan Interest amount of maximum Rs. 2 lakh in a financial year to save income tax..
Section 80TTB allows income tax benefits for senior citizens on their interest incomes from savings, fixed deposits, recurring deposits, etc.
Section 80TTA of Income Tax Act helps to claim deduction of Savings Account Interest amount with limit of Rs. 10,000 in financial year
Section 80CCD of Income Tax Act helps to save income tax by contributing towards National Pension Scheme (NPS) or Atal Pension Yojana (APY).
Section 80D of Income Tax Act helps us to claim deductions for medical insurance premium payments and preventive health check up expenses