Monthly vs Yearly Deposits in PPF (Public Provident Fund)
Monthly vs Yearly Deposits in PPF.. Maximum of Rs. 1.5 Lakh on or before 5th day of April will earn you maximum interest in PPF..
Monthly vs Yearly Deposits in PPF.. Maximum of Rs. 1.5 Lakh on or before 5th day of April will earn you maximum interest in PPF..
PPF Account Benefits.. Government Backed Scheme, Low Risk Savings, Income Tax Benefits, Long Term Goals, Flexibility in Contributions, Loan and Withdrawals
PPF Interest Calculation.. you get ₹ 3,15,572 as maturity amount with 7.1% interest rate in PPF for 15 years and Rs. 1000 monthly deposits..
The best way to earn maximum interest in PPF is to deposit maximum amount of Rs. 1.5 Lacs in the month of April between 1st to 5th day. This means if you deposit Rs. 1.5 Lacs before or on 5th day of April (start of financial year), you’ll get maximum interest in PPF from April month onwards throughout the financial year.